Archive | October, 2010

Sealed with their many many kisses!

28 Oct

I’m so exhausted and I have a class at 9am tmrw but I’m so glad I spent the evening with my yep mates even though it was just a simple dinner at the market and poking fun at the turkey 🙂 I feel so at ease whenever I’m with them!

& earlier on at the meeting, we were handed a surprise and guess what they were?











Letters from our dearest Cambodian youth volunteers! (From the top: Vannak my brother ❤, 8 o’ clock and Khamra! I’ll introduce them to you in my next post.)

We were so touched to receive their handwritten letters, I mean how long have you not received a snail mail huh?! They wrote the mails in english even though they aren’t good with the language but they tried their best and made an effort for us. Very touched! 🙂


Funniest thing happened when I opened 8 o’ clock’s letter, guess what I found inside!

100 riel! 😀

Haha, 1 usd = 4000 riel so you can go and figure how much 100 riel is worth! He didn’t mention anyth about the money in the letter so I’ve absolutely no idea why he gave it to me. I’d just have to assume it’s my monthly allowance from cambodia! 😀

I’d really have to ask him what is it for, scarly he accidentally slot it inside the envelope haha!

Anyway, mine wasn’t the funniest thing. He even gave yongling his passport photo! Haha, he is just so adorable. He also spelled our names as yony ling, yi hany and tiny yuan! If you look closer at the envelopes, you’d be able to see that 🙂


I’m so happy to receive the mails, to know that I’m still remembered. Esp Khamra, I’ve never expected a letter from him bc we only talked and had fun on the last two days. & I’m holding my brother Vannak’s letter in the picture bc I want to show off his beautiful handwriting to you guys 🙂 His english is the best among all of them and he is very sweet, heh. & check out their envelopes, how cute are they!

We’re going to write back to them and send pictures for them as keepsakes, can’t wait! Imagine us flipping through the pictures countless times when we miss them, but when they think of us they have nothing to look at and most of them can’t even contact us. Their simple act made me feel so blessed, I hope something/someone made your day too! Have a goodnight! ❤

Yesterday and today and a few other random pictures.

26 Oct

I had the busiest day yesterday! Tutoring in the morning at 9am, managed to catch a little nap before I head to school, then rushing back to tutor again at 630pm. By the time I was done, I was so drained and hungry I called to cancel my outing but they surprised me by changing the entire plan to accomodate me! Thanks a lot guys, I feel bad for not letting you guys eat the xiao long baos especially xiaofong!

We had chomps instead and by 1030pm we were all zonked out but on the way home after dropping ks and yeeling, weilong and i went to macs to have sundaes instead haha. We exchanged our love stories and after talking to him, I realized 14 years old is really very young and very stupid hahaha (long story). And after an hour or so, he very sweetly dropped me at my doorstep. 🙂 Next time we shall have our xlbs and reserve a table a week before okay!!!

These days I have a habit of browsing the App Store before I fall asleep and I end up downloading a lot of apps haha. While trying out Phototreat, I randomly picked this picture and edited it. I didn’t like the photo initially but after the effect I fell in love with it 🙂

It’s now our wallpaper!  ❤❤❤


Another stupid app I’ve downloaded is the Face Fighter which you can edit the enemy you’re hitting to your friend’s, in which, Vun very fortunately became my guinea pig!!!

Hahahahahahahah the bruises changes as you hit him and I laughed like siao while I was punching/kicking/hooting him with a spanner, and I won!!!

Very fun game, especially after a quarrel with your boyfriend!!!


Also, if you like Tumblr and you have an iphone/itouch, download Tumblr Gear! It’s so easy to use, I can easily reblog 100 posts in half an hour. It’s so much better and easier to navigate than the official Tumblr app. 😀


I thought I was ready for school two days ago, but I was so wrong! I still want to have fun. Anyway, I was looking forward to going out with Gly after school before I even left my house hehe. I brought this mountain turkey to Holland V, wanting to try eat the nutella tart at first but I was far too hungry so we settled for this!

Shit I dont know the name. Some shrimp thing in olive oil. It’s the closest pasta to Gamberoni Bistro and I love it! Very fulfilling and it will make you smile hehe. It’s at Breko by the way, first time trying it and it turned out nice!

Last but not least I’ll end this post with my tired-looking dog…


No idea why he is tired, not like he has to work or go to school hahaha.



21 Oct

I’m not a trendsetter or a fashionista, but one thing’s for sure, I love fashion! And although I don’t really follow the trends, I do take note of what’s hot and what’s not for every season. Like for now, I feel that maxi dresses are out so I’ve stopped buying them 🙂 And in turn, diverted my attention for other apparels!

1) Long cardigans

I have some girlie dresses and if you know me, you’d know that I’m not a girlie kind of girl so I’ll be caught dead wearing a very girlish dress with a typical pair of girlish heels. That’s just not me. So, for my girlie dresses I’d very much like to pair with a nude cardigan, something like the one above, and pair it with a camel-coloured belt over both the cardigan and the dress. And sneakers. I swear by sneakers, which reminds me of how regretted I am for not being able to buy the imitation converse in Cambodia (which looks and feels very real) for only 14usd! 😦


2) Scarves

I really like what she’s wearing above! 🙂

I just think that a pair of scarf can really really spice up an outfit, especially in singapore when we normally can’t accessorize ourselves with nice blazers or something warm, a thin piece of scarf will do just fine. And also, scarves are relatively cheaper than other apparels!

I like her outfit because of her boots, not the scarf. Heh, but I really like how she paired everything together. You see, it’s just a plan jumper beneath but with the scarf, blazer, stocking and the boots, it just spells character. And me likey 🙂


4) Trench coat

Okay ask Gly and she’ll tell you that I’ve already started sourcing for trench coats for our 5 months’ stay in China next year! Yeah a bit kiasu I know, but I’m really really reluctant to go there for so long, leaving me very worried for my family, and also really afraid that I won’t be able to take care of myself there. SO, being able to dress up in the cold weather is the one thing that is getting me excited for it.

I saw a really nice trench coat from Mango last night retailing at $240, and it looks something like the one above. In my mind I would be wearing a normal tee with my trench coat and a pair of scarf around my neck and jeans tucked into my doc marts. Hehe, able to keep me warm and also able to make me looks smart and chic!… self-assumingly…

Anyway was browsing around and saw her purple trenchcoat!

Sooooo pretty! 😦 Now that’s another reason to go shopping for my China trip, hehe.


5) Leather jacket

So since we are already on the topic of outerwear for cold weather, I might as well add that leather jackets are really smart-looking too! I remember there was a period that leather jacket, or like faux biker jackets were really in trend, now it has died down already. Or it’s just because everyone couldn’t stand the weather around Sg with the thick leather jacket on them!

Anyway, leather jackets are not a must-have for me to bring over to China, but it’d still be nice since we hardly have a chance to dress up in chilly weathers. 🙂

You know in “Friends” Phoebe always has an eccentric style but then she has this purple leather jacket which I really liked, heh. There:

Okay lah very blurrish… but this is the best screenshot of the purple jacket I could get! Because the first few seasons of my downloaded “Friends” are quite unclear, but  it looks something like this alright! And I really like leather jackets that comes in other colours besides boring black and brown…

Oh oh, and while we are still on fashion, if you are interested in fashion magazines, grab a copy of “Instyle”! I used to be a fan of “Glamour” but that was before I discovered “Instyle” and I love it, it’s like my bible 😀 Um, and I’ve also discovered that it’s a little cheaper to buy from Page One than Borders! So go buy a copy if you are interested alright! 🙂

Why so expensive? :(

17 Oct

“Driving lessons” was boring… but now driving lessons are so expensive! I have to calculate my money while looking at the balance left in my bank account for ten over times before I decided to transfer money to my CDC account. 😦 Aiming to finish all my lessons by Feb so I can at least try to get my licence before we head to China. Urgh, I’m secretly wishing Leong will sponsor me a bit… but then again he has already loaned me $200 for this whole learning-to-drive thing. 😦

I have no life.

17 Oct

 I stayed home and packed the entire evening away on a Saturday night and I’m going to finish packing the other side of my room on a Sunday. While packing my wardrobe, I realized I really have a lot of clothes. And I spent four hours taking all of my clothes out, categorized them and hung them back one by one. When sis moved out, I told mom that I can put all my clothes into one wardrobe so I can throw out the other one and make my room look bigger. Ha ha, what a joke. I almost couldn’t fit all my clothes into two of them, let alone one. When I have an apartment of my own, I want a walk-in closet, a small one like Carrie Bradshaw’s shall suffice.

Best picture I can find online


 I also have a lot of clothes to sell… but where to sell? Flea? Online? Maybe I should apply for Sgflea…

I’m going to start packing now… urgh hello sneezes!!!


15 Oct




15 Oct




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15 Oct

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For this week…

15 Oct

It’s already 2:04am so I’d better hurry and finish this post! Something in me clicked and I just wanted to blog when I saw the pictures we took these days 🙂

On wednesday I went out with Gly, we’ve been seeing each other for 14 days straight and still not sick of each other (not sure if it’s a good thing…) and we went out! We did our nails and also watched:

Love the movie! It didn’t felt like 2.5 hours at all. And it reminded us a lot of Cambodia, we kept laughing at parts which weren’t supposed to be funny bc of the memories it brought back, heh.


Haha she looks just like a little girl who is very contented with her mango sago!

While I’m just as equally satisfied with my maggi mee, which left me very very bloated for the night. Aye Gly, no more fried chicken for us! Haha.


& as for today, I finally met up with my girls! Although not all of them, but it felt so good just having a girls’ night out and especially on a friday night doing all the girly things with my favourite ladies 😀

Heart the both of chuz 😀



Also, just being silly…

One side with make-up… but not much difference right? Hopefully… 🙂

Anyway just to say, as taught by 牛尔老师 in 女人我最大, I’m only using Baby wipes to wipe off my make-up now. Apparently he mentioned that baby wipes are just as useful as they contained baby oil as well. & since we are still going to cleanse our faces with cleansers after removing the make-up, it doesn’t have to be THAT clean in the removing process. If you are still unsure of the cleanliness level, just use a toner! Because toner helps removing all the impurities that are still stuck in your face after cleansing. After these 3 steps, walla! you can almost be 100% sure that your face is absolutely clean without a tinge of make-up 🙂

& by using just baby wipes, I am saving a lot of money since I don’t have to buy anymore remover wipes. And I have tons of baby wipes at home, thanks to kaizer and thea 🙂 Even if I ever have to buy baby wipes, it would be so much cheaper than buying the remover wipes. A good way to save money!

Just being (hopefully) helpful to the girls reading this! G’night ladies! 😀


Diary of a lazy kid.

14 Oct

Whee hee, i haven’t been narcissistic in a while so let me just do it for today! I finally went out yesterday, it’s the first time I did that ever since I’m back fr Cambodia. Sad right, I know, partly bc I’m sick and also partly bc all my friends are having their attachment now. I seriously can’t wait to meet my best friend, haven’t seen her in 2 weeks plus!

The reason why I’m blogging is bc I want to say I’m really lazy to go tutoring in another 15 mins, yeah it’s just a overhead bridge away but still! & now I have to go buy dinner for my grandma, 😦 just. being. lazy. bye. bye!