Archive | May, 2010

There is so much I can say but words get in the way.

27 May

Assignments are piling up!!! Wanted to start doing the one on Singapore’s television industry tonight but I ended up sleeping from 8-10.30pm when I wanted to wake up at 9. Hahaha seriously uh, these few days I’ve been working my ass out, am severely zonked out O.O

What’s more challenging is that I have to finish almost all my assignments within these two weeks before Leong is here. Bc I want to fully-utilised the 12 days that he’s here and not wasting it doing my assignments. I’m getting some head start with all my assignments: radio commercial, television industry, presentation… But all not 100% done. TOMORROW IS THE DAY WHEN I CONQUER ALL OF THEM NASTY ASSIGNMENTS!!!

Still, I secretly like studying and doing assignments, it makes me feel so proud hehe. Which is why, I think I’m the only who quit RP due to its lack of exams hahaha. & I told Leong: next time I marry you, I want to have kids and get my degree and masters. And when my kids have grown up and I have money I want to get a Ph.D. so that means I wouldn’t have time to work so you must support me. Scare him to death hehehe.

Okay, I wanted to sleep early tonight so I have one full day to chiong tomorrow, but look at the time now: 1.49am. FAILED. I haven’t been going out……. I miss Kev and Pris…. I miss Samantha Chan Qian Ru, Ho Ming Zhen and Cassandra Ng Qiu Mei. I don’t miss Gladys Wong as much bc I just met her for lunch yesterday. Most of all, I miss Vun Jian Leong who is 2 weekends away! And out of all the pple in my life, I’ve been spending so much time with Tan Chin Kiang and 0 0 min, and of cus Bernice Koh who witnessed the ugliest make-out session in school library with me hahahah. So glad you were there to share my embarrassment! ❤

Okiez, I’m off to play some Wheel. Of. Fortune. before I officially head to bed. See you soooooon!! 😀

Why so depressed?

23 May

Really have to start getting immune to it.


21 May

I was excited about 5 hours ago, planning out my story line and laughing at Vun who only knows cheesy plots. I had a great story in mind but it turned out bad. I deleted everything and came up with another similar story line which towards the end, I realized is a lame story. Nothing good came out of it. I really want to write well bc I know I can. But right now, I’m discouraged and exhausted. Hopefully after a cool warm shower, inspiration will strike.



15 May








15 May

I haven’t been updating and the moment I do, I have 42 pictures here! Many things have been happening in my life during the past week and it’s all very exciting! Let me tell you what happened…


Just last friday dajie and I accompanied 3jie to one of her last gynae check-ups. I’ve been wanting to go ever since she got pregnant but didn’t have the chance to until a few days before she was due.

Checking baby’s heartbeat…

Seeing the ultrasound was the best part! Baby likes to move around in the womb especially at night, we have thus named her Party Princess 🙂

Rascal. 🙂

Hahaha @ his face.

Saturday, went to flea with Prissy. 🙂

One and only item conquered from the flea, a $13.50 denim tunic. Inspiration for the above flasher shot 😀

Kev met us for dinner aft his training, he was surprisingly on time that evening!

Emo shot #1.

Emo shot #2.

Not quite emo shot #3.

Pris complained that her face looks bigger than ours so we made our faces bigger to compliment her 🙂

Needless to say, it was very fun that night 😀

Monday, met my girls to terminal 3 bc of the one-for-one at TCC. Went there for dinner & realized one-for-one is only till 5pm 😦 We ate there anyway and it was of course not satisfying for me due to its small portion. Headed to Kopitiam and had a mini steamboat all by myself after that wahaha.

Me with Ming’s hair, I look damn gross in long hair lei.

So damn hard to get a nice picture first due to the focus second bc Ming and I kept making each other laugh. Hehe.

Tuesday went to Bernice’s place for project work, on the way there we got informed that 3jie is ready to give birth anytime! So excited, I kept waiting and making calls when I was at Bernice’s. 3jie popped at 7.05pm anyway and we went to see the ladies the next day 🙂

Meet my big-eyed niece who likes to stick out her tongue 🙂

Less than an hour after she was born? She was being weighed and cyring bc it was very cold. Haha.

Look, she’s smiling at Daddy. 🙂

So glad she have my sis’ eyes.


Proud popo.


This picture very pretty cus I’m the one who took it. Hee but just look at her, she’s smiling so sweetly 😉

Very camera-ready.

Went over to their place to check on the little darling last night,

So angelic 🙂

She’s smiling in her sleep haha.

Frowning bc her aunties were very noisy hehe.

Anyway in case you haven’t heard from me, this little darling is named Thea Pereira 许海桐. 海桐 is also the name of a type of flower. Very pretty name right? 🙂

Okay time to go pack my room, bye pple! 😀

Me and you.

13 May

Sometimes all I really want to do is sit beside you. I want to watch cheesy and crappy movies with you, and we will laugh at them together. I want to plan things with you, thing we’ll never do, but for some reason just planning them with you is fine with me. I want to talk to you about everything and anything. I want to goof around with you and make jokes that aren’t funny but we’ll laugh nonetheless.

I just want to fall in love with you over and over and maybe at one point we’ll get tired of each other, but until then, I want you, and just you.

— Tumblr

High expectations.

8 May

I read before somewhere that Virgo has very high expectations of others. Am I one of them?

Call them irresponsible.

3 May

Why? Why do some people have to be so irresponsible? Does it really take a lot of your time to just text and tell me what’s going on? Does it? No? Then why aren’t you fucking doing it?!


1 May

往年家人的生日,总是会到豪华的酒家吃顿饭。全家热热闹闹上酒楼,点好料,吃上好几百元才算是庆祝。毕竟… 生日嘛,一年就那么一次。爸爸今年的生日,却取消了原本在酒店 的定位,一家十口穿着随便,到楼下的咖啡店吃煮炒。在发生了那件事之后,才发现只要一家人整整齐齐的在一起,已是最幸福的事。什么山珍海味,什么富丽堂皇,已是多余。




1 May

遇到比你有錢的人 , 請不要自動的卑躬屈膝 , 除非……他有要把他的錢給你……… 而通常有錢人 , 並不會把錢送給隨便就對他們卑躬屈膝的人 , 所以 , 何必呢 ?

-《 康永 ~~~~~~ 給殘酷社會的善意短信 》